What Is It about It Follows?

Photo Credit - It Follows
Photo Credit – It Follows

We’ve all been attracted to someone without the ability to explain the attraction’s origin. You know that person you used to work with who you just couldn’t stop thinking about? A person you met at a party who allured you? Sometimes we’re just drawn to people without knowing why. Like, sure, the person is attractive, but what is it about this particular person that is so enticing? I think we’ve all been there: we’ve fallen victim to the unexplained crush. Well, It Follows is my inexplicable horror movie crush. When It Follows came to the theaters, my boyfriend, Michael, and I saw the movie four times. Michael doesn’t feel the same affection for horror that I do, but even he was gripped by the film. It’s such a delicate, subtle little film that’s doing so many things, but four times? Why did we see it four times? What is it about It Follows that makes it such fantastic cinema? I’m writing this piece to figure out what it is I love so much about this movie. Continue reading “What Is It about It Follows?”

What Is It about It Follows?