Pleasantly Surprised by Ouija: Origin of Evil

Photo Credit – Ouija

I must confess: I adore seeing a newly released horror movie on a late October Friday night.  It’s one of those macabrely sweet traditions that makes fall even more worth loving.  So I was positively elated when I checked my local cinema’s schedule and found that Ouija: Origin of Evil was coming out Friday evening.  Okay, pause, scratch that.  Edit verbiage.  I wasn’t positively elated.  I was somewhat appreciative of an October horror movie release, but I wasn’t expecting a glistening performance.  I mean, have you seen the first Ouija?  If you haven’t, don’t bother.  It was a cheesy Blumhouse bust (and, in general, I’m a fan of Blumhouse films).  When Michael and I saw the first Ouija in theaters two years ago on Halloween night, our town experienced a sudden, broad-scale power outage that forced us to leave the movie before it was over.  We were in no way devastated by this turn of events – although we did think a Halloween power outage was a little creepy – and chose to use our consolation free passes for a completely different film.  In other words, I watched 65% of Ouija, never finished it, and couldn’t care less.  But, I figured, if nothing else, Ouija: Origin of Evil was a horror movie on a fall night, and something to write about for my blog.  Plus, on his twitter account Jason Blum proudly asserts that he thinks they “got it right this time,” with Origin of Evil, so I was at least a bit intrigued to see if he was feeding his fans a load of bullshit or if he could really make the sequel significantly better than the original. Continue reading “Pleasantly Surprised by Ouija: Origin of Evil”

Pleasantly Surprised by Ouija: Origin of Evil