Just Dreadfull Talks Penny Dreadful: Season One, Episode 1

Penny Dread 1There is a strange sort of titillation that comes with watching Penny Dreadful – for the first time, to be sure, but also for the second, third, or fourth time, or any time thereafter.  The show’s introduction foregrounds a juxtaposition of unusual images that mean little to the new viewer but that accrue significance as one becomes more familiar with the series.  A mosquito spasms and jilts to a stop, a crimson, blood-like liquid flows over the edges of a quaint, antique tea-cup, and the viewer is, upon seeing these images, quickly catapulted into the mid-late 19th century –into a world rife with class divisions and scientific positivism, ornate dresses and ostentatious houses – into a world with decorum, colonialism, and, best of all, naked, green-blue, thick-skinned, bloodsucking vampires. Continue reading “Just Dreadfull Talks Penny Dreadful: Season One, Episode 1”

Just Dreadfull Talks Penny Dreadful: Season One, Episode 1

Captivating Characters: A Look at Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful 3
Photo Credit – Penny Dreadful

It’s no surprise that I’m studying literature (though I’ll probably be forever impoverished for the decision) because I just love a good story.  There is, in a book – or a good movie or television show – the plot, a chain of events driven by character actions, and then there’s the more subliminal but often pervasive mood created through all elements of work, including scenery and word choice.  But, my point in this post is not really to be technical.  My point is to proclaim, happily, that through the suggestion of one of Michael’s friends, we stumbled upon a phenomenal, intricate story thanks to the popular Showtime series, Penny Dreadful.  Penny Dreadful’s third season aired this spring, but Michael and I, in our infinite fandom, have been busy re-watching the first two seasons to “fully prepare” before we settle down and view the third.  This post, then, is my introductory post: I will likely write more on specific questions the show raises in future posts.  After all, Penny Dreadful is complex and intelligent, and many facets of the show could be explored.  In this post, I aim to discuss why I love the show through an exploration of the main characters.  And, bonus, if you haven’t seen Season Three yet, neither have I, so there will be no Season Three spoilers!  In fact, there are no major plot spoilers in this piece, so read away, without fear of any undesired revelations.

Continue reading “Captivating Characters: A Look at Penny Dreadful”

Captivating Characters: A Look at Penny Dreadful

A Father’s Day Top Five: Top Five Horror Fathers

Zombieland 3
Photo Credit – The Walking Dead

Confession: This excellent post idea is not my idea.  In 2013 a woman named Lainey created a Top 5 on YouTube, which morphed into a Top 5 group on Goodreads.  This week’s top five?  Top five literary fathers.  Well, you know, since this is a horror blog, I’ve decided to name the Top Five Horror fathers of all time.  Now, as any adamant fan will admit, a list like this is highly contestable, and in choosing my favorite five, other great (or not-so-great) fathers have been omitted.

Continue reading “A Father’s Day Top Five: Top Five Horror Fathers”

A Father’s Day Top Five: Top Five Horror Fathers