A Peak at Crimson Peak: The Phenomena of the Female Ghost and Why I Love this Film

Crimson Peak

The local theater was showing a Thursday night preview of Crimson Peak two nights ago, before the actual release date on Friday.  With no hesitation, I was there.  Without question, my favorite subgenre of horror is the ghost story, and Crimson Peak primed us to expect some phenomenally creepy ghosts through its ghoulish previews – previous that show portions of skeletal apparitions grasping arms or swaying across the floor.  Vampires are fun, witches are cool, and stories about the devil can be pretty scary, but nothing, absolutely nothing, compares to a good old-fashioned ghost story.  And Crimson Peak taps into a horror film phenomenon that never fails to dispense fear in generous, indulgent doses: the phenomenon of the female ghost.

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A Peak at Crimson Peak: The Phenomena of the Female Ghost and Why I Love this Film