Oh, The Horror (Light) of the Clone Wars

Guest Writer: Michael J. Miller

Photo Credit – Star Wars: The Clone Wars

As I’ve been re-binge watching Star Wars: The Clone Wars to prepare for my new elective course on the theological and mythological dimensions of the Star Wars Saga (yes, I’m being serious…life is good!) I noticed something I didn’t catch before.  There is a story arc in Season Two that revolves around the Second Battle of Geonosis and the episodes masterfully employ some classic horror tropes along the way.  While not as outright terrifying as say The Shining, they are certainly creepy in their own right.  These episodes of The Clone Wars can serve simultaneously as a child’s introduction to the horror genre as well as a loving homage an adult fan can appreciate. Continue reading “Oh, The Horror (Light) of the Clone Wars”

Oh, The Horror (Light) of the Clone Wars